Last night, while delighting in a glass of my fave red, i baked my Felix some cookies. Now i don't want to sound like a cock-head, but these are the best goddam cookies this sid
Elly's Choc Chip Cookies
180g soft butter
1/3 cup castor sugar
125ml condensed milk (i use skim *grin*)
1 1/2 cups Self Raising flour
250g Choc chips (use less if you want to add more ingredients - see below)
( and if you want to shake it up a bit, add a handful of tiny mashmallows, and chuck in whatever chococlate you have around, eg. Smarties, tiny choc eggs, white choc etc)
*Beat butter and sugar together in a small bowl til light and creamy
*Beat in Condensed Milk
*Add flour 1/4 of a cup at a time and mix on a low speed. If the mixture seems too dry add a bit more condensed milk
*Preheat Oven to 180 degrees
* Stir in Choc Chips and any other goodies
* Place spoonfuls of mixture on paper lined trays
* Put 1/4 cup of Self Raising flour in a small bowl.
* With a fork, dip in flour and flatten the cookies.
*Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
(some oven temps may vary, i need to keep my Gas Fan Forced oven on a lower temp, otherwise i have black cookies, and im racist when it comes to baked goods!)
Happy Baking!!
In other news, my brooches and bouquets are now in store at Blackbird Corner!! I don't think I've been this excited in a little while! And Nikki from Blackbird Corner has been UBER supportive :D !! Thankyou for all your lovely comments about my brooches!! :) it means alot!
Well, as the rain is pouring down i guess I'd better hop along to rehearsals. I'm in another play :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
El xox